OK, I’ve got this quandary thing working over here. It’s actually a good quandary to have, but it’s still a quandary. I’m open to suggestions if anybody has any.
I haven’t quite reached my WW goal weight, but I’m within 10 lbs (down nearly 45 lbs overall) and I’m happy with that. I’ve still got a small gut, but apparently I’ll never be able to get rid of it without making myself look like an Auschwitz refugee. Hubby and several other folks have told me I don't need to lose any more. So my goal now is to maintain my current weight and maybe build some muscle mass. I mean, if there’s gonna be any flab there at all, I’d rather it rode on muscles and not ribs.
In the meantime, hubby’s down about 40 and still wants to lose 20 or so more. And therein lies the rub: how to help him keep losing without losing more myself, and without gaining back what I’ve lost?
Since we’re eating together a lot, I could just make myself a larger portion than I make for him, but I’m not really hungry. I mean, one of the biggest adjustments I’ve made is not eating if I’m not hungry, because that’s what garnered me a fat ass in the first place. And I don’t think I could bring myself to force down a huge plateful of food that I don’t want,
especially if he’s just across the table and still hungry.
I could add some higher calorie foods (like cheese and fried foods) back to my diet, but I don’t really want them. Besides, my cholesterol is still higher than I want it to be, and I want it to come down. (I’m still over two-freaking-hundred.)
Logic tells me that since I want to build muscle, I need to add more protein to my diet, like maybe peanuts or peanut butter. And I certainly don’t mind the taste of peanut butter, but I don’t really crave it. And since I’m not hungry, and I’m not craving it... there’s no point in eating it.
There is, however, one thing that I
do crave: Pastries. Scones. Biscotti. Cookies.
Dare I say it? Yes, muffins too.
I’d love to add one of these to my diet every day... but I know from experience that my weight will start climbing back up. I’ve already tried it a couple of times. Plus, those kinds of sweets are sorta like a drug addiction. First I start feeling like a
deserve a scone. Pretty soon, one scone isn’t enough. Then it’s a scone and a cookie. Next thing you know, I’m broke and hanging out in the Starbucks just so I can watch other people eat their muffins and hoping they’ll leave a few crumbs behind so I can lick the table.
I’m telling you, it isn’t a pretty scene.
So that’s it in a nutshell. I wanna help hubby keep losing, but I don’t wanna lose any more weight. I don't want to give my cholesterol any reason to climb again. I don’t want to eat anything I don’t really want, and the food I
do want is going to lead to a desperate life of fat-assedness and rummaging through the trash for Otis Spunkmeyer wrappers. Any ideas?