Farewell to Fiver1
Dang... they’re dropping like flies. First order of bidness, though, is to correct my earlier math. Our totals went from 1957 in January to 1217 to 917, and then climed back to 1147.
As of today, we’re now officially back down from 1147 to 612, or we will be when the new owner comes by later this week to pick up the car. (But he’s already given us a check and taken the keys.) Now hubby’s asking if I really want to drop that number to 606... and I still sorta think I might. I mean, it’s just a car, right? And hubby’s not giving me any pressure at all, but I feel sorta guilty because he's gotten rid of a couple in good faith.
So that just means that I have to explain my blog address2 as “Oh, I used to have one of those cars.” And I can always find something else to replace it. Right?
1I still don't think anybody ever recognized where this name came from.
2Like I ever have to explain my blog address.
As of today, we’re now officially back down from 1147 to 612, or we will be when the new owner comes by later this week to pick up the car. (But he’s already given us a check and taken the keys.) Now hubby’s asking if I really want to drop that number to 606... and I still sorta think I might. I mean, it’s just a car, right? And hubby’s not giving me any pressure at all, but I feel sorta guilty because he's gotten rid of a couple in good faith.
So that just means that I have to explain my blog address2 as “Oh, I used to have one of those cars.” And I can always find something else to replace it. Right?
1I still don't think anybody ever recognized where this name came from.
2Like I ever have to explain my blog address.
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