My voice in Washington won't shut up
Dang. Have you folks seen this yet? When you get to the point that CNN refers to your interview as “bobbing and weaving,” and Soledad O’Brien pleads for “somebody, anybody... lawyer? congresswoman?” to answer her question... and all of that happened 3:45 minutes into an interview that lasted nearly eleven minutes... can we get this wench arrested?
U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer deserves a medal for having the presence of mind to say “People cannot hit policemen when they disagree what the policemen are doing....Even the high and the haughty should be able to stop and say, ‘I’m a congressman’ and then everybody moves on.”
Soledad also gets extra points for ending the interview with, “If I had gotten answers a little more quickly, maybe we could have gotten [into other allegations] as well.”

Soledad also gets extra points for ending the interview with, “If I had gotten answers a little more quickly, maybe we could have gotten [into other allegations] as well.”
Check out the Atlanta Urinal Constipation OpEd section today (4/5). All these black women write in about this issue is actualy about how white people "think they all look alike", and not about a certain legis-labia thinking she's above the lowly servants in the capitol (who keep mutts like me from getting on to the house floor and biting her silly ass).
There have been countless studies shown that people are more attuned to facial details of their own race and ethnicity, and are more able to quickly detect fine differences, than those of other races. Are all these people racists? Am I a racist because I'm able to more quickly recognize the finer details in a Rottweiler than in a ChowChow or Sharpei?
More people complain that the Capitol Hill PoPo are wasting time going for an arrest (when there's obviously soooo much more important work to be done. Gime a friggin break). Cynthia, you dripping hatchet wound, all you have to do is apologize for physically assaulting someone and I'll bet the charges will magically disappear. Pride goeth before a fall, you stupid spoiled whore.
And this is why I don't subscribe to that bird cage liner.
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM
You have amazingly good spelling for a dog. Whenever my beagle uses the computer (or writes), she misspells a lot of things.
Jax Peach, at 10:13 AM
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