You're gonna love this one
Jerry Taylor, city manager of Tuttle, Oklahoma, went to the city’s website to make some changes. He finds an error message on the website and mistakes it for a hacking attempt. He sends a nasty e-mail to a CentOS support worker, who tries his best to correct the problem for Taylor, but Taylor won’t have any of it. He even threatens to contact the FBI.
Original story here. Follow-up story here. And the original e-mail exchange here. Go ahead, it’s worth the click.
Original story here. Follow-up story here. And the original e-mail exchange here. Go ahead, it’s worth the click.
Stop posting these threads immediately or I'll report you to the FBI!
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM
Hey, Foamy, stop with the FBI already. You know, this could have been resolved a lot quicker if the initial correspondence with you provided the helpful information that was transmitted in the last messages. ;o)
And don't you find it hard to type with those big paws?
Ben, at 9:27 AM
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