OK, I'm in now. Offsite quarterly divisional waste-of-time meeting this morning, followed offsite Christmas departmental actually-kinda-fun lunch, followed by defrosting my feet and logging in at 2:00. I can handle days like this.
Nothing much going on. I finally wrapped Andrew's present and set it beside Marcus's present to ship sometime today. If anybody knows a way to ship these to England for less than the cost of a used Honda using a method that will get them there before Easter 2008, kindly speak up.
Also I used my Barnes & Noble 15% off card to pick up one of Molly's recommendations yesterday. They didn't have Les Yeux Sans Visage (which is the one I really wanted) so I got Les Diaboliques and started watching it while wrapping Andy's present. I've seen exactly one vehicle so far in the flick, and it's a Deux Chevaux delivery truck. How cool is that?
BTW, that's a 2CV hiding behind the Dusty's BBQ van in the pic below. I know it's hard to see, but I never claimed to be an artiste. At least I didn't draw a python digesting an elephant and have someone ask me why they should be scared of a hat.
Nothing much going on. I finally wrapped Andrew's present and set it beside Marcus's present to ship sometime today. If anybody knows a way to ship these to England for less than the cost of a used Honda using a method that will get them there before Easter 2008, kindly speak up.
Also I used my Barnes & Noble 15% off card to pick up one of Molly's recommendations yesterday. They didn't have Les Yeux Sans Visage (which is the one I really wanted) so I got Les Diaboliques and started watching it while wrapping Andy's present. I've seen exactly one vehicle so far in the flick, and it's a Deux Chevaux delivery truck. How cool is that?
BTW, that's a 2CV hiding behind the Dusty's BBQ van in the pic below. I know it's hard to see, but I never claimed to be an artiste. At least I didn't draw a python digesting an elephant and have someone ask me why they should be scared of a hat.
Don't you have Netflix? All the osbcure foreign (or otherwise films you could ever want) plus not having to deal with the irritation of Blockbuster/late fees/not having the obscuro shit you want.
It's the wave of the future I lervs it. That and tivo.
Jax Peach, at 3:47 PM
Netflix... Netflix... Oh! You mean paying for a service to rent bizarre movies that hubby won't want to watch? ;o)
Actually (in case he ever decides to drop by this page), that's not entirely fair. He'll watch several of them, and occasionally he'll even deign to sit through something offbeat. But what with the travel schedule, I wouldn't have any clue what to request and what he might want to watch. And Tivo? Please. We've been down that road before. Just because I have cool toys at work doesn't mean I get them at home.
Sorta like being jaded the last time I went to Epcot because I was already training people how to use the "latest cool" technology they were showcasing. *sigh*
Ben, at 4:05 PM
Who cares what he wants to watch? I JUST allowed Len his own "branch" of the queue (we have the two at a time, so he gets to pick one and I get to pick one).
You can rent normal movies too. Point being, if you want something obscure and your local gargantua-chain-buster doesn't have it (you hate Wal-mart, why not Blockbuster?), one MORE reason to have Netflix. It serves ALL my movie rental needs.
They have a $9.99 plan; if you rent two movies a month, you've paid for it. If you don't. . .don't blame me for Phil's movie taste shortcomings. . .
Just kidding, Phil, luv ya mean it!
What, so you were writing about about Tivo four years ago, therefore, you don't want it? Whatever ;-)
Jax Peach, at 5:50 PM
Netflix has lots of obscure stuff. Classic, foreign, Gay, Lesbian, etc. Plus all the same stuff that Lackluster Video has. (I just returned the Stewie Griffin movie that references Blockbuster in this way.)
Oh, a tangent! That Stewie Griffin movie is way cool. Lines like "fire off a few knuckle children in the privacy of your neighbor's living room" abound. Michael Chiklis is compared to Stewie's scrotum. Even Jesus gets picked on in this one. You'll laugh so much you'll be clutching your coin purse.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
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