Extraordinary Popular Delusions

Monday, December 19, 2005

Well that answers THAT question

We had a friend from Maryland visit us back in the summer. In an effort to be a good host, I asked what he likes to drink so I could have it waiting on him. Turns out his drink of choice is Miller Lite. In cans.

I love you, Irv, but we've gotta work on that.

Anyhow, when he left, we still had two cans out of a six-pack, and I didn't know when or where to dispose of these. Hubby and I won't drink them, and I feel bad throwing out allegedly good beer, so they've been living in the fridge for a few months.

Flash forward to this weekend. Maybe somebody will drink them at the party, so I put them in the beer cooler.

Now, we usually try to keep our dogs in the house during the party. The shepherd hates everybody so much that she usually retires to our bedroom and finds a quiet corner. (This dog and I are more alike than I realized.) The retriever, on the other hand, is 70 lbs of fur and slobber and is a natural born marketing type. He loves everybody. So early in the party, hubby suggests that I give the dog a beer.

Take a breath. We're not pushers, and our dog isn't an alkie. But he likes beer, and it makes him mellow. So I find a perfect place to dispose of a Miller Lite. I pop it open and pour about half of it into a bowl for him. He sniffs it and walks away.

Ladies and gentlemen, even my freaking dog won't drink Miller Lite. Can't be. I lead him back over to the bowl. Same thing.

I dump out the bowl and pour him about half of my Sam Adams. And he drains the bowl.

Now I ask you: how can I in clear conscience offer this stuff to my guests when even my dog won't drink it?


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