Extraordinary Popular Delusions

Friday, February 17, 2006

Censor This

So now a . And like any good extremist, he didn’t even have the story right. There were 12 cartoonists, bubba. Not one.

Just around the corner from me, a . He thinks and .

You know, for all the protracted battles over freedom of speech that the USA has hosted in the last 230 years, the First Amendment is still alive and very well. It’s very rare for government at any level to encroach on this basic human right. (Though various governments try occasionally, they hardly ever prevail in the cold, hard light of a courtroom.) Which is one of the reasons I’ve always felt safe to say whatever I went, just about whenever and wherever I want without much fear in this country.

Now, that right is being threatened by outside sources, of all things. By thugs who just can’t stand the thought that we might not believe the same things they do. Maybe that means they feel threatened. If that’s the case, maybe these attacks could be considered a good thing?

I don't know. It honestly scares me.

At least at the far brighter end of the spectrum, . And as long as that happens, at least we're safe from our own government.


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