This gets a big WTF???
Yeah, THAT'S gonna fly in court.Principal Puts Camera in Bathroom
Mack Bedor, an eighth grader at Jasper County Middle School should be with his friends at school, but instead he's making up class work at home.
“He’s got a five-day unwanted vacation. It’ll be on his permanent record that he stole school property. My opinion is that he did the right thing,” said Mack’s mother, Cindy Champion.
Mac is being punished for taking a camera out of the celing of the boys bathroom that is shared by Jasper County Middle and High School students. The high school principal admits to putting the camera there.
“There was tiles up there and it was cut out in a little circle,” Mac said. “It felt like it was the right thing to do because we were being violated in the bathroom, and I just knew I could trust my mom and she would do something about it.”
“That was the interesting part to me that surprised me -- Ms. Massengil, the middle school principal, nor the teachers were aware. No one seemed to be aware besides the principal at the high school,” Champion said. “I had told the high school principal, Mr. Fore, that he needed to come up with another solution -- that this wasn't appropriate. His response to me was he was going to continue to film.”
The Bibb County district attorney says cameras in public bathrooms are legal because schools have more leeway on privacy issues.
Is that your professional legal opinion? ;-)
It might very well: locker searches are legal, and what's more private than that? As for the bathroom, I agree that's offensive, but if the goal is truly to deter illegal behavior (drug use, sexual escapades, etc.), there could be a strong public policy argument in favorite of. You'd be amazed the things I "prosecuted" kids for (in expulsion hearings) when we represented the school board, and their young age wasn't always a deterent to. . .one particular bathroom tryst comes to mind. . .and it was special ed kids too. . .and did I mention that the kid's defense was that it was consensual, but we weren't really sure, since all the kids were mentally slow. . .a camera sure would've helped in that situation!
Your Education Law Consultant
Jax Peach, at 2:21 PM
And you wonder why those College President positions have just slipped through your fingers, time and time again. . . ;-)
Jax Peach, at 3:49 PM
True that... I guess the thing that concerns me is that the high school principal put the camera in a bathroom shared by the high school and the middle school, but the middle school principal didn't know anything about it. < head motion >Don't be tryin' to get all Miss Smarty Pants on me, now. < /head motion >
Ben, at 4:17 PM
Ben wins the prize. NO one knew about the camera except for the high school principal?
Hmmmm, wonder what's on his hard drive. I'd be willing to bet a dollar (ok, I'm cheap) that Mr. Principal Man has some kinky azz kiddy porn up in there somewhere.
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
Ok, that's a little distressing sure. . .but I'm still not sure it's illegal. My point: cameras in bathrooms in schools are probably not per se illegal. . .but yeah, from a practicality standpoint, I don't why he wouldn't consult with the middle school principal, if his intentions were . . . er, honorable? Is that the word you use to describe "legitimate" bathroom camera usage?
Jax Peach, at 10:21 AM
The little weasel's comment about Mommy shows who runs the unfortunate that this little character is "sanctioned" by Mommy to be a vandal. Little maggot needs to swing. Anyone familiar with Jr/Sr HS kids knows the shenanigans that can go on in an unsupervised bathroom.
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
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